Shivanjali Khare, Ph.D.

Shivanjali Khare, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
SARI: Security and ARtificial Intelligence Lab

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering
About Shivanjali

I am an Assistant Professor in Computer Science department. My primary research interest is on the development of systems based on learning and the applications of cryptography to empower and protect users in this tech era. I am also intrigued to research new areas of computer science to maximize business, technology, and societal impact. I teach courses like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Mining.

I have completed Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2021 and M.S. in Computer Science from the same university in 2016.

Research Interests

Internet of Things data security, hybrid cryptography, wireless sensor technologies, big data sharing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

Recent Conference Publications
  • Albert Carlson, Shivanjali Khare, Bhaskar Ghosh, Indira Kalyan Dutta, Michael Totaro, “Space Selection and Abstraction in Set Theoretic Estimation”, in The 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE CCWC 2022).
  • Bhaskar Ghosh, Indira Kalyan Dutta, Shivanjali Khare, Albert Carlson, Michael Totaro, “Isomorphic Cipher Reduction”, in The Sixteenth International Conference on Systems and Communications (ICSNC 2021).
  • Bhaskar Ghosh, Indira Kalyan Dutta, Shivanjali Khare, Albert Carlson, Michael Totaro, “Key Space Reduction using Isomorphs”, in The Sixteenth International Conference on Systems and Communications (ICSNC 2021).
  • Khare, Sarkar, Totaro, Kumar “A Novel Energy Aware Secure Internet of Drones Design: ESIoD”, IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS: WiSARN 2021.
  • Khare, Totaro, “Ensemble Learning for Detecting Attacks and Anomalies in IoT”, IEEE 2020 3rd International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS), pp. 56-63, doi: 10.1109/ICDIS50059.2020.00014.
  • Khare, Sarkar, Totaro, “Comparison of Sensor-Based Datasets for Human Activity Recognition in Wearable IoT”, 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/WFIoT48130.2020.9221408.
  • Khare, Totaro, “Big Data in IoT”, IEEE 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, (ICCNT), pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT45670.2019.8944495.
  • Khare, Totaro, “Internet of Things: An overview”, Springer International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing (ICSCSP), pp. 71-79.

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